a phone number is more than its digits

Phone numbers are personal. People expect to keep them for life, with the ability to change service providers seamlessly. They also demand the integrity of the number is safeguarded and never misused. This presents serious challenges for communication service providers (CSPs) who are expected to provide customers with the flexibility they want and the security they need, while accurately routing billions of calls every day, in real time.

It will never be easy. But the iconectiv TruNumber Platforms simplify the process at every step.

robust numbering tools, unmatched data

The TruNumber Platforms enable porting and number management, all powered by the industry’s most reliable and trusted numbering data. The numbering intelligence inherent in the TruNumber Platforms helps CSPs facilitate the porting process, while helping prevent revenue share fraud and interconnection-related revenue leakage. The Platforms also drive efficiency by providing the data that uncovers deeper insights into global call routing.

Rely on TruNumber Platforms for the accurate phone number data needed to offer seamless portability, detect and diagnose issues quickly, and help combat telephone fraud.


there’s safety and accuracy in these numbers

At the heart of the TruNumber Platforms are authoritative global numbering databases, the most trusted and accurate in the industry.

CSPs can leverage the numbering intelligence in the TruNumber Platforms to help grow their  business by providing a better customer experience and streamlining the customer acquisition process. It can also boost global resource efficiency by presenting the information needed to quickly detect, diagnose and direct issues to the appropriate team, no matter where they are.

The speed reliability of the TruNumber Platforms make them a must-have for any customer service representative or number pooling administrator at any service provider.

communicate confidently with TruNumber

Between maximizing efficiencies, decreasing operational costs and safeguarding customer data, businesses have more reasons then ever to leverage the power of phone number data. Find out how leveraging iconectiv TruNumber Platform’s accurate, precise data, can help address these issues head-on.

learn more about TruNumber

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